It is the policy of Abdulla B. Al-Khalifa & Sons Company, to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. It is the responsibility of each and every employee to comply with all safe working procedures and methods, to utilise all required protective equipment and to maintain a safe working environment at all times.

This policy has been derived from years of experience working in potentially hazardous environments. The degree of success achieved by Abdulla B. Al-Khalifa & Sons Company with regard to loss prevention as a whole results from our adherence to the subsequent sections portrayed in the safety principles and procedures document.

When undertaking contracts on refineries, petrochemical plants or any similar installation the importance of safety and security in any aspect, cannot be overstated. Therefore, each of these aspects will be enhanced, detailed and controlled such that the dictates of the Abdulla B. Al-Khalifa & Sons Company loss prevention policy as a whole, are achieved and maintained. Employees therefore, are further required to be conscious not only of their own personal safety, but also, actively aware of any potential hazards and/or dangers that may be detrimental to the safety, health and well being of co-workers.

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